Tuesday, October 7, 2008

End-of-book Reflection Questions

The Revealers Begin brainstorming the answers with members of your group!

1. Ms. Hogeboom told Russell that everyone was reading the Revealer and that the atmosphere of the school was changing…"It was like a small revolution"(175). Explain what she means about the school culture and their affect on it.

A.1. I think what Ms.Hogeboom is trying to say when she says that "It was like a small revoloution" she is saying that all of a sudden people changed and started to become more aware of what was going on, thanks to the Revealer. She also saying to him how great she thinks it is that because of the Revealer people are getting the courage to speak out. To let everything they don't want out of them, so people can read all the injusctices that were commited.

2. Describe why The Revealers project was so successful with students and judges alike.

A.2. The Revealers project, I think was very succesful because it is an interesting topic and they set up and presented their porject well. With students what seemed to have the most succes was the videos and all the interviews. With the judges I think the storys were succesful and the topic itself. It was also very succesful because it was interactive, so the students and judges could look through the projects themselves and find out thing and go where they want to look and different parts of the project.

3. Russell, Elliot, and Catalina's hypothesis for their science fair project was "if bullying and harassment incidents were brought to light among the whole student body in a school then there will be a reduction in these incidents as well as them being less severe in nature"(194). Did the three main characters prove their hypothesis? Discuss. What is one way you could use technology to improve the school at AISD?
A.3. They did prove their point about bullying having possibly decreased since the Revealer came out, by sending a survey to the student body and the results came back that most people after reading the Revealer thought that bullying was becoming less of an issue.But I am not sure if it is 100 percent sure that thee incidents would become less violent.
I am not exactlly sure how we could use technology to improve the school, maybe what we could do is that on the daily bulletin there could be a chance for student's to put things up on it. I think our school doesn't really have things that we can improve by using technology.

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